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Wuppertaler Str. 160    
42653 Solingen

Opening hours

Tuesday - Sunday,
10 am - 5 pm


Adults: €9
Reduced: €4,50
up to 18 years: free admission

More info on free and reduced admission

Opening hours

Tuesday - Sunday,
10 am - 5 pm


Adults: €9
Reduced: €4,50
up to 18 years: free admission

More info on free and reduced admission

The Center for Persecuted Arts is a museum of discovery, dedicated exclusively to artists whose works and opportunities for development were blocked, prevented, and partially destroyed by the dictatorships of the last century and by totalitarian regimes up to the present day. It is an interdisciplinary museum, and its collection of visual art and literature tells of lost and neglected works of art, stories, and fates.

Temporary Exhibition

Temporary Exhibition

Against supremacy: peaceful protests against the Belarusian ruler Alexander Lukashenko © Violetta Savchits

No freedom without freedom of the press

30 years of Reporters Without Borders in Germany

The German section of the organization “Reporters Without Borders” will celebrate its 30th anniversary in 2024. Initiated by the center's promotional society and curated by photo editor Barbara Stauss, "Reporters Without Borders" will show a photo exhibition from May 4, 2024 in the Museum Center for Persecuted Arts in Solingen with works by six international photojournalists who reported from countries such as Myanmar and Belarus, Colombia, China, Rwanda and Egypt.

Temporary Exhibition

Catalogue Cover „Boris Lurie. 100th Anniversary. Life with the Dead“, photo: Center for Persecuted Arts/Hatje Cantz

Boris Lurie – Life with the Dead

On the artist's 100th birthday

With the exhibition LIFE WITH THE DEAD, the Boris Lurie Art Foundation, in collaboration with the Museum Center for Persecuted Arts, is bringing Boris Lurie's artistic work to the public on the artist's 100th birthday. It could hardly be more relevant at this time, with anti-Semitism, racism and right-wing populism growing worldwide. The exhibition is on view from April 20 to November 24, 2024 at the Scuola Grande San Giovanni Evangelista di Venezia on the occasion of the 60th Venice Biennale.

Temporary Exhibition

Against supremacy: peaceful protests against the Belarusian ruler Alexander Lukashenko © Violetta Savchits



No freedom without freedom of the press

30 years of Reporters Without Borders in Germany

The German section of the organization “Reporters Without Borders” will celebrate its 30th anniversary in 2024. Initiated by the center's promotional society and curated by photo editor Barbara Stauss, "Reporters Without Borders" will show a photo exhibition from May 4, 2024 in the Museum Center for Persecuted Arts in Solingen with works by six international photojournalists who reported from countries such as Myanmar and Belarus, Colombia, China, Rwanda and Egypt.

Catalogue Cover „Boris Lurie. 100th Anniversary. Life with the Dead“, photo: Center for Persecuted Arts/Hatje Cantz



Boris Lurie – Life with the Dead

On the artist's 100th birthday

With the exhibition LIFE WITH THE DEAD, the Boris Lurie Art Foundation, in collaboration with the Museum Center for Persecuted Arts, is bringing Boris Lurie's artistic work to the public on the artist's 100th birthday. It could hardly be more relevant at this time, with anti-Semitism, racism and right-wing populism growing worldwide. The exhibition is on view from April 20 to November 24, 2024 at the Scuola Grande San Giovanni Evangelista di Venezia on the occasion of the 60th Venice Biennale.

Armin Alfermann, Foto: Uli Preuss



Spuren in Stein – Jüdische Friedhöfe am Niederrhein

Ausstellung zum 100. Geburtstag des Fotografen Armin Alfermann

Das Museum Zentrum für verfolgte Künste zeigt vom 7. Mai bis 8. September 2024 die Fotoserie "Spuren in Stein" von Armin Alfermann über die jüdischen Friedhöfe am Niederrhein.

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Öffentliche Sonntagsführung in der Dauerausstellung

Eine Entdeckungsreise durch unsere Sammlung

Im Zentrum für verfolgte Künste können Sie Künstler:innen entdecken, die über die letzten Jahrzehnte in Vergessenheit geraten sind.

Permanent Exhibition

In the permanent exhibition of the Museum Center for Persecuted Arts, you can discover works of art, stories, and fates from the first half of the last century that were either lost, thought to be lost, or largely ignored.

Museum für verfolgte Künste

More about the mission statement and the history of the Center for Persecuted Arts Museum.

Find out more about the Civic Foundation for Persecuted Arts and the Gerhard Schneider Art Collection.

More about the Promotional Society that was founded to support and enrich our program.